Populi Center, a non-profit policy and public opinion research institute, conducted a survey in DKI Jakarta Province from 26 January to 1 February 2022 with a sample of respondents spread proportionally in 60 sub-districts in DKI Jakarta Province. The purpose of this survey is to find out the public's perception of the dynamics of development, the performance of the provincial government, the handling of COVID-19, and political dynamics in DKI Jakarta Province.
The data collection method in this survey was conducted through face-to-face interviews with 600 respondents who were selected using a multistage random sampling method with a margin of error (MoE) of ± 4.00 percent and a 95 percent confidence level. The face-to-face interview process was carried out using the Populi Center survey application and implementing strict health protocols. The survey was conducted using internal funding.
There are several interesting findings from this survey. First, related to the general assessment of the development and performance of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, people who give positive/progressive assessments DKI provincial development in the last 12 months the number was 77.2 percent. In line with that, the majority of the people of DKI Jakarta expressed their satisfaction with government performance DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is also quite large, namely 73.3 percent. Meanwhile for satisfaction level The leadership of the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta is also relatively high, with an average satisfaction level of 7.61 on a scale of 1-10 and an accumulated score of 6-10 (positive/satisfied) of 86 percent.
Second, on the question open, the community acknowledges that flood control, the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus, and sidewalk repairs are most impressive achievement from the government of Governor Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria.
Third, the community assesses that there are several economy problem which need to be addressed immediately, including controlling the price of basic commodities (42 percent), providing jobs (21.2 percent), handling economic inequality (12.7 percent), and poverty alleviation (11.7 percent). Specifically regarding economic inequality, 74.3 percent of the public considers that there is economic inequality (very unequal 31.5 percent, unequal 42.8 percent) between the rich and the poor in DKI Jakarta.
Fourth, on related assessments DKI Jakarta Provincial Government program, street lighting gets the highest level of satisfaction. Meanwhile, on the implementation question flood management program by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, 66.3 percent of the public assessed that the river dredging program had been implemented properly. In general, the people of Jakarta claim to be satisfied with the implementation of the policy flood prevention through river management is 74.9 percent.
Fifth, the people of Jakarta give a positive/good assessment of handling of COVID-19 conducted by DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, amounting to 90.3 percent.
Sixth, on issues related to Formula E, when respondents were asked how confident they were that implementation Formula E can move the economy the people of DKI Jakarta after COVID-19, 50.1 percent (6.8 percent very sure, 43.3 percent sure) said they were sure. In the next question whether the community assesses there is elements of corruption in the implementation of Formula E, 32 percent of the public considered that there was an element of corruption in the Formula E case. When asked whether they believed or did not believe that Governor Anies Baswedan involved in the Formula E case59.8 percent (54.8 percent do not believe, 5 percent do not really believe) said they did not believe Anes Baswedan was involved.
Seventh, on questions related to popularity and liking level, the survey results show that Anies Baswedan is most popular figure in DKI Jakarta. Of the 15 figures whose popularity was asked, most respondents knew Anies Baswedan (99 percent), followed by Prabowo Subianto (98.2 percent), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (96.2 percent), Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (95.8 percent), and Rizieq Shihab (91 percent). The other figures get percentages below 90 percent.
When people were asked to give an assessment of 15 figures they knew, Anies Baswedan was also the most liked figure with 87.3 percent. Followed by Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (86.2 percent), Najwa Shihab (79.8 percent), Prabowo Subianto (78.5 percent), and Ridwan Kamil (74.2 percent). The other figures get percentages below 70 percent.
Eighth, in question open, when the community was asked which figure to choose if election for governor of DKI Jakarta held today, 47.5 percent answered Anies Baswedan. Followed by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (8.5 percent), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (5.3 percent), Tri Rismaharini (3.5 percent), Ahmad Riza Patria (3 percent). The other figures get percentages below 3 percent.
Ninth, on the question closed related support for 22 figures to become the next Governor of DKI Jakarta, when the names of each character were asked one by one to respondents, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno became the figure who received the most support as Governor with 77.5 percent. Followed by Anies Baswedan (77.3 percent), and Ridwan Kamil (65.7 percent). As for other names get support below 60 percent.
On questions closed other related the electability of 10 figures without the figure of Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno in it, Anies Baswedan is the figure most expected to become DKI Governor in 2024 with 50.3 percent, followed by Tri Rismaharini (20.2 percent), and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (11.7 percent). As for other names get support below 4 percent.
Tenth, on the question closed simulation the electability of 7 figures without the figure of Anies Baswedan in it, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno is the figure most expected to become DKI Governor in 2024 with 44 percent.
In addition to the simulation of 7 characters, there are also four 3 character simulation about the next governor.
- On first simulation, by 55.7 percent chose Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, followed by Gibran Rakabuming Raka (22 percent), and Ahmad Sahroni (11 percent). The rest of the numbers fall into the do not know/no answer category.
- On second simulation, with 55.7 percent voting for Ridwan Kamil, followed by Gibran Rakabuming Raka (14.8 percent), and Ahmad Sahroni (13.7 percent). The rest of the numbers fall into the do not know/no answer category.
- On third simulation, with 51.8 percent voting for Ridwan Kamil, followed by Gibran Rakabuming Raka (19.3 percent), and Ahmad Riza Patria (13.5 percent). The rest of the numbers fall into the do not know/no answer category.
- On fourth simulation, with 50.5 percent voting for Ridwan Kamil, followed by Gibran Rakabuming Raka (17.7 percent), and Erick Thohir (14.2 percent). The rest of the numbers fall into the do not know/no answer category.
Eleventh, in question open regarding elections president, the people of DKI Jakarta mostly vote for Anies Baswedan when presidential election held today with 29 percent, followed by Joko Widodo (20.3 percent), Prabowo Subianto (11.7 percent), and Ganjar Pranowo (5.8 percent). The other figures get percentages below 3 percent.
twelfth, on the question closed related electability of 10 figures chosen to be president in the future, 34.8 percent of the people of DKI Jakarta answered Anies Baswedan, followed by Ganjar Pranowo (18.2 percent), Prabowo Subianto (14 percent), Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (6.7 percent), and Ridwan Kamil (6.2 percent) . The other figures get percentages below 5 percent.
On the simulation question electability of 3 figures chosen to be president In the future, 45.5 percent of the people of DKI Jakarta answered Anies Baswedan, followed by Ganjar Pranowo (27.5 percent) and Prabowo Subianto (20.8 percent).
While on the simulation question electability of 2 figures chosen to be president In the future, Anies Baswedan is also the most elected figure as president by the people of DKI Jakarta with 59.8 percent, followed by Ganjar Pranowo with 33.3 percent.
Generally, this survey shows that Anies Baswedan is the most superior figure and has the opportunity to become a candidate for Governor of DKI Jakarta for the next period. The figure of Anies Baswedan is the most popular, most liked, and most chosen figure in terms of electability leaving other figures who have the potential to become his competitors. However, when Anies Baswedan's name was removed, Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno became the most superior figure. Apart from the figure of Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, other potential figures to replace Anies Baswedan to become the Governor of DKI Jakarta, although not very visible, there are figures such as Ridwan Kamil, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, and Tri Rismaharini. There is also the name Najwa Shihab which is quite popular and liked by the people of DKI Jakarta.
Anies Baswedan is also the figure who is the most superior and most likely to be chosen by the people of DKI Jakarta as a presidential candidate for the next period, both on open and closed questions related to the electability of figures. The survey results this time also show a fairly high level of public satisfaction with the leadership of Governor Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria. The same level of satisfaction can be seen in the performance of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, especially in tackling floods and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The level of satisfaction and positive evaluation is likely to have contributed to increasing Anies Baswedan's electability, both for the election of the Governor of DKI and the election of the President, compared to other figures. Nevertheless, Governor Anies Baswedan still has homework to complete, including controlling the prices of basic commodities, providing jobs, and the problem of economic inequality in Jakarta.
Contact Person:
Rafif Pamenang Imawan / Researcher at the Populi Center