Executive Director
Afrimadona, Ph.D is the Executive Director of the Populi Center. Apart from being a researcher, he also teaches political science and international relations at the International Islamic University of Indonesia and UPN Veterans Jakarta, in the International Relations Study Program. He has an interest in quantitative research methodology, International Relations theory and methodology, and political behavior.
Study Interests: Political Behavior, International Relations
2024 | Buku “Potret pembelajaran partisipasi politik dan perilaku pemilih dalam pileg dan pilres 2024” Penerbit Bawaslu RI |
2024 | Buku “Dilema environmentalisme: seberapa hijau masyarakat Indonesia?” Penerbit PPIM-UIN Jakara. |
2024 | Artikel Jurnal: “Authoritarian Nostalgia and Democratic Decline in Contemporary Indonesia”, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs. |
2022 | Buku: Agama, Pandemi dan Sekolah: Studi Eksploratif Perilaku Siswa di Masa Pandemi, Jakarta: PPIM-UIN Jakarta. |
2022 | Buku: Memaknai Kebijakan Berorientasi Manusia: Sepuluh Pelajaran Berharga Pasca Pandemi Covid-19, Jakarta: OBOR |
2022 | Beauty, educational prestige and vote choice in Indonesia: an experimental study, South East Asia Research, 30(3), DOI:10.1080/0967828X.2022.2119160 |
2021 | Book chapter: Perkembangan Politik Internasional di Indo-Pasifik. In Laode Muhammad Fathun dan Rika Isnarti, eds. Tinjauan Multiperspektif Kawasan Indo-Pasifik: Peluang dan Tantangan. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. |
2021 | Book chapter: (In)Toleransi di kalangan dosen di Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia. In Afrimadona, Didin Syafrudin, and Abdallah, eds. Kebinekaan di Menara Gading: Toleransi Beragama di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: PPIM-UIN Jakarta. |
2021 | Party polarization in the American Congress and the duration of legislated economic sanctions, 1945–2005, Contemporary Politics, 27(4): 419-438. DOI:10.1080/13569775.2021.1902628 |
2021 | Revisiting Political Polarization in Indonesia: A Case study of Jakarta's Electorate, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 40(2) 315–339. DOI: 10. 1177/ 1868 1034 2110 07490 |
2021 | Industrial Policy as the Application of State Defense in the Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Journal of International Studies on Energy Affairs, 1(2), 92–109. https://doi.org/10.51413/jisea.Vol1.Iss2.2020.92-109 |
2021 | Developments in International Politics in the Indo-Pacific. In Laode Muhammad Fathun and Rika Isnarti, eds. A Multiperspective Review of the Indo-Pacific Region: Opportunities and Challenges. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. |
2021 | (In) Tolerance among lecturers at Indonesian Universities. In Afrimadona, Didin Syafrudin, and Abdallah, eds. Diversity in the Ivory Tower: Religious Tolerance in Higher Education. Jakarta: PPIM-UIN Jakarta.
2020 | Ideology and Public Policy: Examining Ideological Consistency Between Political Choices and Support for DKI Government Policies. In Budiman Wisdom, eds. It's Dusk in Jakarta: Ideology, Public Policy, Politics, and Capital City. Jakarta: Obor Publisher. |
2019 | Amid Polarization: Elections with Integrity and Voter Participation in Simultaneous Elections. In Masmulyadi, eds. Evaluation Series on the Implementation of Simultaneous Elections 2019: Regarding Voting and Vote Counting. Jakarta: Indonesian Election Supervisory Body.
2019 | Testing Structural Explanations for US Military Intervention: Do Support for the President and Conservatives in Congress Embolden the President? Open Journal of Political Science 9(2):253-275. DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2019.92014. |
2019 | Gas, Power, and Norms: Competing Logics for the Declining Use of Chemical Warfare. Nonproliferation Reviews 26(3-4):1-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10736700.2019.1627776
2019 | Democracy and Economic Welfare: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Governance 4(1): 16-29. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31506/jog.v4i1.4020 |
2019 | Industrial Park and Welfare Effect: A Preliminary Evidence from Indonesia. Malaysian Journal of Social Science and Humanities 4 (7): 77-86.
2018 | Special Economic Zones (KEK) and Economic Development: A Comparative Study of Indonesia and China. Journal of Development Economic Dynamics 1 (2): 71-81
2014 | Power and Legitimacy in International Politics: Britain and Germany's Responses to the US's War Against Iraq in 1991 and 2003. Indonesian Journal of International Studies 1 (1) June: 1-19. On line (https://journal.ugm.ac.id/globalsouth/article/view/28816) |
2013 | Key Perspectives in Strategic Studies. In AA Banyu Perwita and Bantarto Bandoro, eds. Introduction to Strategic Studies. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. (In English: Afrimadona and Yugolastarob Komeini. 2013. Main Perspectives in Strategic Studies. In AA Banyu Perwita and Bantarto Bandoro, eds. Introduction to Strategic Studies. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu).
2013 | Security Dilemma. In AA Banyu Perwita and Bantarto Bandoro, eds. Introduction to Strategic Studies. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. (In English: Afrimadona. 2013. Security Dilemma. In AA Banyu Perwita and Bantarto Bandoro, eds. Introduction to Strategic Studies. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu).
2012 | The White Coup: Reform and Institutionalization of Foreign Interests in the Indonesian Economy. Jakarta: Indonesia is Independent. (In English: Syamsul Hadi, Salamuddin Daeng, Afrimadona, Shanti Darmastuti, Eka Pratiwi, Indah Nataprawira. 2012. White Coup: Reform and Institutionalization of Foreign Interests in the Indonesian Economy. Jakarta: Independent Indonesia). |