Research Fellow
Dani Muhtada adalah research fellow
di Populi Center dengan minat riset mutakhir tentang Islam dan Negara, politik
hukum Islam, Islam dan demokrasi, serta hak asasi sipil masyarakat. Sehari-hari
ia bekerja sebagai dosen tetap di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang.
Ia menyelesaikan pendidikan doktor di Northern Illinois University dengan
beasiswa dari Fulbright. Disertasinya mengupas tentang penyebaran perda-perda
syariah di Indonesia dalam perspektif difusi kebijakan dan politik hukum.
Minat Kajian: Islam dan Negara, Politik Hukum Islam, Islam dan Demokrasi, Hak-Hak Sipil Masyarakat
2022 | “The protection of civil rights for the Shi’ite refugees of Sampang, East Java: a systemic governance approach to restore the refugees’ Rights, Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, Vol. 12 (2): 231-256 (with Suhadi, In’am Zaidi, Rayyan Alkhair).” |
2022 | “The Dynamics and Future of Qanun in the Welfare of the People of Aceh. Bestuurskunde: Journal of Governmental Studies, Vol. 2 (1): 31-42 (with Ayon Diniyanto).” |
2021 | “Penataan Regulasi di Indonesia Melalui Lembaga Independen, Pandecta, Vol. 16 (2): 278-290 (with Ayon Diniyanto)” |
2021 | “Model Jihad Konstitusi untuk Penguatan Demokrasi di Indonesia: Respon Umat Islam sebagai Komponen Covil Society atas Revisi UU ITE, dalam Dewi Sulistianingsih dan Ridwan Arifin (Eds.), Hukum & Teknologi: Berbagai Pemikiran Hukum, Semarang: BPFH UNNES (with Anis Widyawati dan Eko Mukminto).” |
2021 | “Kinship Politics in the 2020 Pilkada in Central Java: The Actors Involved and Thier Influences, Bestuurskunde: Journal of Governmental Studies, Vol. 1 (1): 1-14 (with Ayon Diniyanto and Aji Sofanudin)” |
2021 | “Penguatan Peran BPIP dan Strategi Membumikan Pancasila untuk Melindungi Kelompok Minoritas, Pancasila: Jurnal Keindonesiaan, Vol. 1 (1), 111-121 (with Ayon Diniyanto)” |
8 May 2020 | “COVID-19, Moderasi Beragama, dan Kontra-Radikalisme. CSIS Commentaries, DMRU-067-ID, 8 Mei” |
23 March 2020 | “Agama dan Mitigasi Wabah COVID-19. CSIS Commentaries, DMRU-011, 23 Maret.” |
2019 | “Fostering the State Ideology at Indonesian Universities: Challenges and Strategies in the Disruptive Era. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Education Social Sciences and Humanities” |
2018 | “Politics, Local Governments, and Sharia By-Laws in Indonesia: Revisiting A Common Assumption, Mazahib: Jurnal Pemikiran Hukum Islam, Vol. 17 (2): 1-34″ |
2018 | “State and the Protection of the Minority Rights in Indonesia: The Case of the Ahmadi Group. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies“ |
2018 | “The Internet, Civic Engagement, and New Civil Society in Indonesia: A Lesson from Two Tales, Tadulako Law Review, Vol. 3 (1): 98-115″ |
2018 | “Model Pengelolaan Dana Desa: Identifikasi Problem, Tantangan dan Solusi Strategis, RISTEK: Jurnal Riset, Inovasi dan Teknologi, Vol. 2 (2): 29-44 (with Ayon Diniyanto & Ganang Qory Alfana)” |
2017 | “The Prospects for Public Management Reform in Indonesia, Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, Vol. 2 (2): 145-154″ |
2016 | “Democratization and the Diffusion of Shari’a Law: Comparative Insights from Indonesia, Southeast Asia Research, 24 (2): 261-282 (with Michael Buehler)” |
2016 | “). Payung Hukum Zakat di Era Otonomi Daerah: Menimbang Relevansi Perda Zakat Pasca UU No. 23 Tahun 2011, Ziswaf, Vol. 3 (1): 63-81″ |
2015 | “Ja’far al-Sadiq dan Paradigma Hukum Mazhab Ja’fari. Jurnal Al-Ahkam, 25 (1): 67-82.” |
2014 | “Islamic Philanthropy and The Third Sector: The Portrait Of Zakat Organizations In Indonesia. Islamika Indonesiana, 1(1): 106-123″ |
2012 | “Managing workforce diversity: An Islamic perspective. Indonesian Journal of Islam & Muslim Societies, 2(1): 79-108″ |
2012 | “Respon komunitas keagamaan di Porong atas bencana lumpur Sidoarjo: Melacak akar teologis. In Indiyanto, A. & Kuswanjono, A. (eds.), Agama, Budaya, dan Bencana: Kajian Integratif Ilmu, Agama, dan Budaya (pp. 55-86), Bandung: Mizan Pustaka” |
2008 | “Ethics, economics and environmental complexity: The mudflow disaster in East Java. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 25(2): 181-191″ |
2008 | “The role of zakat organization in empowering the peasantry: A case study of the Rumah Zakat Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In Obaidullah, M. & Latiff, H.S.H.A. (eds.), Islamic Finance for Micro and Medium Enterprises (pp. 289-310), Jeddah & Bandar Seri Begawan: IRTI, IDB, Universiti Brunei Darussalam” |
2003 | “). The revolution of peasants’ rights in Indonesia: Symbolic interaction and structural analysis for social work. In Hussein, F. (ed.). Social Work: Indonesian Perspective and Contemporary Issues (pp. 144-157), Yogyakarta: Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University” |
@ Populi Center 2023