Senior Researcher
Novri Susan, Ph.D adalah peneliti senior di Populi Center. Ia juga seorang sosiolog dan tenaga pengajar di Universitas Airlangga. Saat ini Novri juga menjabat sebagai Sekjen APSSI (Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia). Salah satu karyanya yang terkenal dan menjadi rujukan untuk kajian konflik adalah Sosiologi Konflik: Teori-teori dan Analisis 2008/2019.
Study Interests:
Isu-isu konflik dan perdamaian, sosiologi politik, dan rekayasa sosial
Ph.D, Doshisha University, Contemporary Asian Studies (2015)
MA, United Nations University for Peace, International Peace Studies (2008)
S.Sos, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Ilmu Sosiologi (2002)
2023 | Interest as a Mode of Reality: Answering The Crisis of Digital Society, Vol. 36 No. 1 (2023): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik. |
2021 | The Foundation of Social Analysis: Interest Approach, The Journal of Indonesia Sustainable Development Planning, 2(3), 337-340. |
2021 | Modal Sosial Masyarakat Digital dalam Diskursus Keamanan Cyber, Jurnal Indonesia Maju, 1(1), 1-11. |
2019 | Free education as superstructure: Phenomenological study of free private education. Jurnal Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik. |
2018 | The Practice of Governance in Conflict. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. |
2018 | Impartiality and Governance of Identity Conflict: Study on Sunni-Shiite Conflict Sampang Madura (2004-2012). Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2017) Vol. 138. |
2018 | Violence at School and its Root Causes, Preceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs ICoCSPA 2017) Vol. 138. |
2017 | Praktik Branding: Penerapan Sosiologi Komunikasi, Proyeksi Indonesia |
2017 | Building Nationalist Character Through Multicultural Education Practice in Selamat Pagi Indonesia (SPI) High School, 2017, Proceeding, Sociology Education study Program, Faculty of Social Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan lndonesia. |
2017 | Village Government Capacity in The Implementation of Village Law No. 6 of 2014, Sustainable Future for Human Security, (Springer Book), Vol. 1 (2017). |
2014 | The Causes of Protracted Land Conflict in Indonesia’s Democracy: The Case of Land Conflict in Register 45, Mesuji Lampung Province, Indonesia, International Journal Sustainable Future for Human Security, J-SustaiN Vol. 2 No. 1 (39-45). |
2013 | Scenario Building on Law No. 7 of 2012 about Social Conflict Intervention: The Possible Future of Land Conflict Management in Indonesia, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 17, 2013, Pages 870-879. |
2012 | Intra-Regional Border Conflicts and the Institutional Design of ASEAN’s Conflict Management, Journal of Global Studies, Vol. 3/2012. |
2012 | Negara Gagal Mengelola Konflik. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar |
2008/2019 | Sosiologi Konflik: Teori-teori dan Analisis. Jakarta: Prenada Media |
2008 | Sosiologi Korupsi. Universitas Terbuka |
2006 | Modul Pelatihan Good Governance untuk Pemerintah Lokal (Good Governance for Local Government Training Module), 2006, Cesots Airlangga University in cooperation with WB Institute and Paramadina University. |
2005 | Islam Fundamentalism and Radicalism: A Study on Hizbut Tahrir and Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia in Jogjakarta—Indonesia, in Understanding and Managing Militant Movement in Southeast Asia (Kamarulzaman Askandar, ed), SEACSN Publication 2005. |
@ Populi Center 2023