The Populi Center, a non-profit policy and public opinion research institute, conducted a National Survey from 25 January to 3 February 2023. The sample of respondents is spread proportionally in 38 provinces in Indonesia, including in 4 (four) New Autonomous Regions, namely Central Papua , Southwest Papua, Highlands Papua, and South Papua. The purpose of the survey is to find out public perceptions, especially regarding evaluation of government performance, evaluation of police performance, national issues currently being discussed, as well as dynamics ahead of the 2024 general election.
The survey was conducted using internal funding. The data collection method in this survey was carried out through face-to-face interviews (face to face interview) with 1,200 respondents selected using stratified random methods (multistage random sampling) with Margin of Error (MoE) ± 2.83 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent. The face-to-face interview process was carried out using the Populi Center survey application.
The discussion began with a presentation of the findings from the Populi Center national survey by Nurul Fatin Afifah, a researcher at the Populi Center. The presentation is divided into three parts, namely an evaluation of Joko Widodo's government, national issues, and political dynamics. In general, the results show that there is an increase in public satisfaction with the performance of the government of Joko Widodo (Jokowi), including crucial aspects such as satisfaction with democracy and eradicating corruption. On the other hand, there was a slight decrease in satisfaction with the performance of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI), as well as a high level of public voice demanding changes in the behavior of POLRI members. In the dynamics of national politics, there was a decrease in the votes of Anies Baswedan followed by the strengthening of the votes of Ganjar Pranowo, Prabowo Subianto and Ridwan Kamil.
Responding to the results of the Populi Center survey, Fahri Hamzah (Deputy Chairman, Gelora Party) stated several important points. First, Fahri Hamzah agrees if there is reshuffle cabinet, especially considering that President Jokowi's reign has not yet ended. Second, the survey results show that reconciliation is an important aspect of politics in Indonesia. The second period of Jokowi's administration was a period of reconciliation, a policy that allowed Indonesia to overcome periods of crisis such as the COVID-19 crisis.
With regard to political dynamics, Fahri Hamzah stated that the survey results showed that in general Indonesian society is a moderate society, and it should be maintained as moderate, so that there are no extreme views in the upcoming election. Reconciliation perspectives are needed to be able to push the development agenda in Indonesia. Regarding Ganjar Pranowo's high vote, Fahri Hamzah stated that "this shows that the transition to change of leadership from President Jokowi to his successor is going well, so that it becomes a peaceful transition," he said.
On the same occasion, Furqan AMC (Director of Propaganda and Public Advocacy, DPP PSI) gave relatively the same response. For him, the survey results show that in general people are satisfied with President Jokowi's leadership. The Social Solidarity Party (PSI) has openly stated that PSI's vote in the upcoming elections also depends on Jokowi's vote, considering that PSI fully supports Jokowi's government. These results also confirm that politics must be approached with a systems approach, not based on individuals.
Related to political dynamics, for him, the increase in Ridwan Kamil's vote shows that the basis of votes between Anies Baswedan and Ridwan Kamil is on the same basis. As a result, Ridwan Kamil's increase in vote had an impact on Anies Baswedan's decrease. Furqan AMC also stated that the Populi Center survey results were in line with the results people's remorse by PSI. Furqan further stated "The results of the Populi Center survey confirm the results people's remorse PSI namely that Ganjar Pranowo as the presidential candidate of PSI. Even with the certainty from the start that PSI carried Ganjar, PSI had a strategic advantage from the start. This is political education, so that from the start politics does not turn into something dark.” he closed
Zulfan Lindan (Senior Politician) in the release discussion tries to give his views regarding the issue of representation politics. According to him, new parties that are ideologically strong, such as the Gelora party and PSI must have a place in the upcoming parliament. This is because there is often no connection between what happens in parliament and in political parties. Zulfan stated "What happened between what happened in political parties and in parliament has nothing to do with it, as a result when there are problems, there is no connection between parliament and ideas related to political parties."
Politics for Zulfan Lindan must start from a clear conception. Afrimadona (Executive Director of the Populi Center) also agreed with this, who stated that the politics of ideas had disappeared from the image of politics in Indonesia. Currently the debate between political parties is almost lost in parliamentary life in Indonesia. There are often striking differences between political practice in parliament and the reality on the ground.
At the end of the discussion, Fahri Hamzah emphasized that the current democracy emphasizes the influence of money rather than the influence of ideas. As a result, there is no dialogue between political parties, so there is no visible difference between one party and another. It should also be remembered that President Jokowi's reign has not yet ended, so it would not be good for political party leaders to maneuver. Fahri Hamzah compared BJ Habibie's brief leadership period which accomplished many things. Fahri Hamzah stated "Habibie led for 1 year and 7 months, there were many things that were resolved, Mr. Jokowi should have still had 1 year and 8 months, but he was already bothered with things that were not productive." he said.
Closing the discussion, Zulfan Lindan emphasized that future leaders must have a clear vision and mission, especially with regard to national issues such as political, social and economic issues. Parties also need to be careful in determining their stance, not to easily alternate in providing support. Regarding the improvement of democracy, Furqan AMC agrees with Zulfan Lindan, for the sake of improving democracy, therefore PSI has very strict requirements to nominate candidates for legislative members. In closing, Afrimadona emphasized that the presence of a new party could be a great opportunity for the growth of ideological politics in the color of parliament in Indonesia.
To see the results of the survey release, you can Click here
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contact person:
Rafif Pamenang Imawan (Researcher, Populi Center)